PTO Meeting
May 5, 2014
Present: Jennifer Sedlacek, Alicia Bruns (7:05-7:15), Damon Alvey, Vicky Fryda,
Becca Vitek, Michelle Hlavac, Kim Fluke, Carrissa Soukup, Rachelle Stalwart, and
Jacque Herrboldt
Report given by Alicia Bruns: Approved
by all members present – Ending balance of: $9,316.71 Secretary Report given by
Jacque Herrboldt: Approved by all
members present
Old Business
Several items were tabled for lack of
volunteers and/or information. These included: window car clings, quilt for
raffle, Rodeo Days Character Counts kickball and parade float, and the purchase
of more grocery cards.
PTO paid $230 for bussing the 4th
graders to the Avera Kid’s Health & Safety Fair. We will also pay for
bussing for the K-3rd students to visit the Sioux Falls zoo on May
8, 2014.
We will continue Prairie Readers. Becca
Vitek will be the liaison for parents and Jacque Herrboldt will be the school
liaison. Jacque will put together a
parent/teacher/liaison contract that explicitly defines the roles of each
member. The contracts and information packets will be ready for the Open House
on August 14th. Parent helpers: Grades 2-3 Rachel Stalwart, Grades
4-5 Vicky Fryda,
Grade 6 Jennifer Sedlacek and Jacque Herrboldt, Grade 8-High
School Kristyn Walloch, and Becca Vitek will help with grades 2-3 or 4-5.
A New Business
Mr. Alvey acquired estimates for updates to the playground: concrete
$1200-1500, woodchips $3500, tire swing $3400, and asphalt $2000. Mr. Alvey stated that the city will give
$1700 for woodchips, and the Student Council will also pay for some of the
updates. Michelle Hlavac made a motion to give $3500 to the playground updates,
Jacque Herrboldt second the motion, all in favor – motion passed.
Student planners will be provided for all elementary students and for
middle school students that requested a planner. The cost for planners will be
$464.22. Vicky Fryda made a motion to pay for the planners. Michelle Hlavac
second the motion, all in favor –motion carried.
Retirement party cake and paper products will be paid by the PTO. A motion
was made by Michelle Hlavac and second by Carissa Soukup, all in favor-motioned
Volunteers are needed to cut Box Tops, soup labels, etc. Students
attending Saturday school could cut these items out when they finish their
Fundraisers: walking tacos during one of the home football games,
possibly in the concession stand, Buche’s coupon book or candy bar-Holly Fuerst
will provide more information and sale of Puffins if the cheerleaders decide not
to do this for the upcoming year.
There will be 4 PTO Meetings during the 2014-2015 school year. Becca
Vitek and Mr. Alvey will have the dates by Open House.
Meeting Adjourned motion made by Michelle Hlavac, second by Damon Alvey,
all in favor – motion carried.